About 12 years ago I spent way too long learning HTML and making a website for my band (its out there somewhere modusoperandi-web.com) and it was awful. That was before Facebook, Bandcamp, Twitter, Instagram, etc. It was better than MySpace though. Today, being older and wiser, and much more resourceful (not to mention far less time on my hands), I've enlisted the help of my friend, collaborator, and photographer extraordinaire, Treena Muir. She also took all the photos you see. It looks amazing! Thank you :)
Typically, this is where some thought-provoking tidbit about music would go, and I'll try to keep it that way. If months go by without an update, that doesn't mean nothing is going on; on the contrary, it means too much is going on. If that happens, send me a message and let me know you require thought-provoking tibits.
Typically, this is where some thought-provoking tidbit about music would go, and I'll try to keep it that way. If months go by without an update, that doesn't mean nothing is going on; on the contrary, it means too much is going on. If that happens, send me a message and let me know you require thought-provoking tibits.